Privacy notice

What will I be asked to do?

Speak for Yersel investigates the ways in which the Scots language varies throughout Scotland. You'll be asked to answer questions about the words, sounds and sentences you use and what you think about other people’s use. Your responses will be mapped in real time on the Speak for Yersel website, adding to our knowledge of Scots across Scotland.

You will also be asked some short demographic questions: age, gender, the main place you lived up to the age of 18, and whether you went to university or not. None of this information can identify you as an individual, and neither can the answers you give. Your participation in completing the tasks is voluntary and you are free to stop the activities at any time.

How will my responses be used?

Your responses will used by other users of Speak for Yersel to answer the questions set out in the activities. Researchers involved in the project, including colleagues at the University of Glasgow, Newcastle University and Cardiff University, may also use the responses to understand more about how language is used in different areas. This study is run in compliance with the University of Glasgow’s Privacy Notice and will respect all your rights as described therein.

If you have any questions about the research, please contact